What to expect at your first visit

Welcome to Gleason Family Chiropractic: Ashley Giancola located at 25 Northpointe Parkway #400 in Amherst, NY. Check in at the front desk with our receptionist Callie or Michelle.

First, we will take the time to sit down with you and get a detailed understanding of your health history.
Then, we will start with a noninvasive scan of your nervous system. This state of the art technology consists of two different tests which measure how your nerves communicate with your muscles and how your nerves communicate with your organs.
This information give us a very vivid picture, not just of what you may be feeling or experiencing symptomatically, but also of what is going on beneath the surface, all without performing any painful or invasive procedures! It's so safe and gentle that these tests are performed on the infants and pregnant women that come into our office.
The 2 different tests tell us the following:
1. Thermal Scan: This takes temperature from side to side along your spine. In the same way that the skin around a healing cut will get hot, our nerves give off a heat response when they are irritated. This measures how our nerves are communicating with organs, glands, and blood vessels.

2. sEMG (Surface EMG): This is used to assess how the nerves are communicating with the muscles that maintain posture. Knowing how this communication energy is being distributed gives us a really good overall picture of the function of the nervous system.
Lastly, Dr. Ashley will take x-rays (if over 18 years of age and/or not pregnant) in office to gain a better understanding of your spine.
Taking X-rays is also going to make sure that we’re being super diligent in evaluating the health of the spine on a neurological and a physiological level, as well as how to properly adjust your spine.
The information we gather from the scans and x-rays help us develop a care plan specific to each patient's needs

What to expect at your second visit in Amherst, NY
Dr. Ashley will take the time to sit down and review your case as soon as one day later, for your report of findings appointment. At this appointment, she will go over what she found, and tell you what it all means. After going over your findings, she will explain a recommended individualized care plan. She will also explain the frequency and duration she anticipates it will take to correct your problem, and also what method of adjusting she will be using to do so. She will also review the finances that will be involved. We want to make sure that there are no surprises for you along the way! At the end of this visit, you will receive your first adjustment according to your care plan.